My Story
I'd like to take a minute and introduce myself. I'm Betsy, the owner of Valley of Bones Clothing Co. I'm originally from Lakeland FL and currently reside in central Florida with my husband. From the time I was a young child I attended church every time the doors were open. My dad was a deacon and Sunday School teacher. My mom helped with the nursery and every event at the church. I grew up singing songs about how Jesus loves me. I am very thankful for the environment I was raised in with faith being instilled from a young age. From the time I was able to hold a crayon, I was drawing and coloring on everything. My mom still reminds me about drawing on the wall of the hallway when I was a toddler. Despite that, my parents have always been supportive of my creative endeavors. I took every art class I could and entered every contest possible. I won awards as a kid but my most proud moments of art was having my designs chosen to be on shirts made by Kerusso. My love for graphic design and God were becoming intertwined and I didn't even realize it.
My first experience with a motorcycle was riding my cousin's dirt bike around the backyard when I was younger. My first street bike was a Kawasaki Ninja 250. I upgraded to a ZZR600 a couple years later and most recently my husband and I purchased a Honda Fury. Cruising on a back road in central Florida has to be close to what Heaven is like. As I mentioned on the About Us page, I was part of First Baptist Church in Lakeland in the early 2000s. That's when the Faith Riders ministry was started and I'm glad I got to be a part of that. That was the first time I felt like I belonged somewhere. It didn't matter what kind of bike someone had or where life had taken them. We were a family then. And we got to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. We got to share our love of motorcycles and our love of Jesus.
I haven't been part of the Faith Riders ministry for a while but I keep in touch with the people who are - the same people who invited me to be a part of it in the beginning. We're still a family but now it's my turn to share the same hope with the people around me. I might not be able to change the world but I can change my world. I believe that God has a plan for all of us and looking back I see how I had a passion for things even as a child that have led me to this point in my life. Being in church with a foundation of faith, loving all things creative and even having a motorcycle family. It's all been stepping stones to get to where I am today.
Thank you for being a part of my journey. I hope you will sign up for the email list and be notified of new blog posts and products. I do hope to sell a few shirts and hats but more than anything I want to be a vessel that God uses to show His love to the biker community and beyond. Stay tuned. Great things are in store!